Craddock Sermons

Online Catalog

* Please note: A percentage of the proceeds go to “The Craddock Center” – a non-profit organization.

Something to Remember – CD Set

This series offers 32 30-minute programs on 16 audio CDs. Titles include “Why Baptize Jesus?,” “20/20 Blindness” and “Leaving Before the Benediction.” The inspiring programs were recorded between September and Easter during Dr. Craddock’s weekly radio series. The world-famous leader is known for reigniting faith through knowledge, reminding Christ’s followers of important lessons and captivating messages. This special CD set is perfect for groups and individuals alike.

Freedom: The View From a Roman Jail – DVD

This is the very first DVD of any of Fred B. Craddock’s works. 50% of the sale of each DVD goes to help The Craddock Center.

Filmed at the 2013 Peachtree Christian Sacre Leadership Retreat, this lecture series from nationally recognized preacher and professor, Dr. Fred B. Craddock explores sections of Paul’s epistle to the church at Philippi. Dr. Craddock has lectured often and authored a book about his interpretation of the book of Philippians. This rare opportunity to witness his latest lecture on the subject will bless and encourage all Christians and students of the New Testament.



When the church observes the Eucharist, the liturgy often begins with a phrase from Paul: “On the night in which he was betrayed.” This phrase activates the memory of the events of that night as recorded in the Gospels. These accounts activate the memory of the larger narrating of Jesus’ life: “In the days of his flesh Jesus offered up prayers and supplications with loud cries and tears.” (Hebrews)

The purpose of these lessons is to aid these memories.


“Preaching As Exaggeration”

A preacher’s vocabulary, through repetition, can become stale, flatten out and harden. The problem cannot be solved by turning up the volume. Aid may come from the Scriptures. Matthew says Jesus spoke in parables, figures of speech which are alive, stirring ever-new thinking.

John says Jesus spoke in riddles (“in a little while you will not see me; in a little while you will see me”) which keep the church scratching its head. And Paul, when speaking of God’s love, uses hyperbole. For example, he says, “I will show you the bestest way,” that is, better than best. Bestest? That is the way a child talks. Well, why not?


“Jesus the Healer”

One of the most vivid images of Jesus in the memory of the church is Jesus the Healer. All four portraits (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) present him as such, but each with his own brush strokes. A wide range of conditions were addressed by his healing ministry and a variety of methods were used: a word, a touch, a prayer, a screaming. The accounts are further enriched by the presence in Jesus’ world of other healers, religious and secular.

The practice of healing continues as a strong tradition in the church. Interest currently is very high. It seems wise, in evaluating these practices and the abundance of publication, to spend these few hours remembering with the New Testament Jesus the Healer.

The purpose of these lessons is to aid these memories.

$49.95 per CD Set | 5 CDs, each 45 Minutes Long

“Chapel Sermons”

These sermons were recorded at The Candler School of Theology Chapel, Emory University.

  1. If At the Altar You Remember. Matthew 5:21-26
  2. Who Am I to Hinder God Jonah 3:1-4:11
  3. Looking Around During the Prayer Luke 18:9-14
  4. On the Lips, In the Heart Romans 10:5-13
  5. Witnessing To the Resurrection Acts 2:14a, 22-32
  6. The Whole Law James 2:10
  7. Can I Also Be Included? Acts 8 26-38
  8. The Reclaiming of One’s Past Luke 24:44-53
  9. Cloud of Witnesses Hebrews 12 1-2
  10. Victims Matthew 5:10-11
  11. The Waste of Easter John 20:19-31
  12. When Clouds Return After the Rain Ecclesiastes 12:1-2

$69.95 per CD Set | 12 Sermons of 6 CDs

“Once More With Feeling”

This is the last of the workshops which I have held twice annually at Cherry Log, and pre-registrations assure our largest attendance ever. It was doubly imperative that we consider a matter of broad and abiding concern to preachers and their listeners. The decision was immediate: deal with the emotional life of the preacher.

Churches complain of a decline of passion in the pulpit; preachers speak often of ‘burn out’ and ‘compassion fatigue’; and the literature more and more treats the emotional life of the preacher. Some writers have raised again the ancient issue of akedia, one of the seven deadly sins, a condition, bluntly stated, is “I don’t care any more”.

Emotion is the response of the body to value. To be emotionally healthy is to be able to access a range of emotions triggered by the subject matter and appropriate to it. A lack of emotion says the message is untrue or unimportant of unbelieved by the speaker. Excessive displays of emotion may be taken as manufactured and hence dishonest.

We have gathered, therefore, to discuss the emotional life of the preacher, to reflect on the signs of decline in emotional energy, and to offer suggestions about practices which may restore and sustain the preacher’s emotional health.

$29.95 per CD Set | CD Set Includes 2, One Hour CDs

“Preaching the End Time”

The End Time is a subject for which there is widespread appetite and attempts to satisfy that appetite are many. This is to be expected, given the complexity of the subject.But those interpreters who seek to simplify by harmonizing the many voices in Scripture do not render us a service, joining the last judgment of Matthew, the rapture of First Thessalonians, the Antichrist of First John, the millennium of Revelation, and the dying and being with Christ of Philippians. It is important on this as on any subject to honor each voice in Scripture. We have not outgrown the practice of asking who is writing to whom about what.

I suggest we begin with “about what?” What is the End Time? There is the personal, experiential End Time, the end of one’s life. There is historical End Time, the end of history, a subject important to both Judaism and Christianity. And there is the cosmic End Time, the grand visions of God’s final victory. These three perspectives provide a framework for these discussions on how one may preach the End Time.

$29.95 per CD Set

“Thirteen Ways to End a Sermon”

Both the preacher and the listener know that a sermon should have but one ending. But having but one ending does not mean every sermon has the same ending. The ending of the sermon is too important to be determined by the clock or by the next movement of the liturgy. These and other considerations are kept in mind as Dr. Craddock offers in discussion and example Thirteen Ways to End a Sermon. This is the newest series available recorded live in October 2008.

A great gift for your minister!

CD Set Includes: Two (2) One Hour Sessions | $29.95 per CD Set

“Prayer Life of Jesus”

This series consist of five forty five-minute lectures by Dr. Craddock. These CDs chronicle the prayer life of Jesus from his baptism until his crucifixion as recorded by Luke. The lectures are designed for persons to follow along in the fifteen biblical text that are examined. These presentations could be used in a discussion as well as a devotional setting.

CD Set Includes: Five (5) 45-Minute CDs | $49.95 per CD Set

“Sermons Preached at Cherry Log”

Now Available Only on CD

These sermons were recorded live at Cherry Log Christian Church. The total series consist of 40 sermons. The Book “Cherry Log Sermons” was from this incredible series.

$149.95 *Only on CD

“A Fred Craddock Collection” Part I

Hear this collection of Dr. Craddocks favorite sermons. These were recorded live at Cherry Log Christian Church. Set includes 24 sermons on 12 CDs.

$125.00 per CD set

“A Fred Craddock Collection” Part II

This 24 set of sermons include some of the most recent sermons preached by Dr. Craddock. None of these sermons are duplicated on any other series. Anyone who enjoys listening to Dr. Craddocks style of preaching will want to have these in their collection.

$125.00 per CD set

“Preaching As Storytelling”

Recorded live at Furman University, Greenville, SC. these 4 one hour CD’s consist of 8 thirty minute lectures on “Preaching As Storytelling” recorded in 1981 and remastered in 2004.

“Not too many years ago, stories in the pulpit served two purposes: one, to give the listeners a break from hard driving and often dull exhortations: and two, to illustrate, to clarity, a point abstract and difficult to comprehend. Now we understand a story can be, not the illustration of the message itself. A Story can carry the freight; the stories Jesus told certainly do.”
~ Dr. Fred B. Craddock

$39.95 per CD set

“Craddock on Preaching”

“I am honored to be joined in these conversations about Preaching by many whom I have know across the years and many whom I have never met. But friends or strangers, we have in common the trembling joy of the pulpit, the awesome realization that God my employ our words to speak the Word. We are a guild like no others, a company of those who must open our mouths because God has opened our ears. Therefore we teach and encourage each other as sons and daughters of the voice.”
~ Dr. Fred B. Craddock

We are proud to present “Craddock on Preaching”. This 8 hour conversation consist of 16 thirty minute sessions. Available on CDs only. these conversations cover preaching from research to delivery. This series is a must for any one in the clergy.

$89.95 per CD set

“The Sermon As A Twice Told Tale”

“Scripture and experience agree that the sermons has a rough time in the world. The lack of hospitality is everywhere evident. The deaf ear, the indifference, the sarcastic mishearing, the hostility, the false embrace which seeks to rob the sermon of its power: All these responses shout “NO’ to the pulpit.

But Scripture and experience also agree that sometimes the seed falls into warm, rich, and welcoming soil. Some testify to recognizing the Gospel even when heard for the first time. It is as though the listeners are reminded of something dimly remembered or are felling familiar in a strange place. This phenomenon, though by no means the whole listening, needs to be factored into the act of Preaching.”

~ Dr. Fred b. Craddock

Complete set consist of 5 one hour CDs recorded live at union Theological Seminary in Virginia. These are the Sprunt Lectures.

$59.95 per CD set

“As I Remember It”

Since 2001, every year on the last Saturday night in January, hundreds of people gather in the Mountains of North Georgia to hear Dr. Fred Craddock tell stories from his life: Folks he has known, places he has been. Events usual and unusual which have occurred.

Here are some of the stories Fred has told. Listeners to them say these stories cause them to remember places they have never been, to remember people they have never met, and to remember what never happened. As you will hear, they were recorded live and are offered with the hope that they will bring you pleasure.

4 hours of great stories on 4 CDs. | $49.95 per CD set

“Meditations on the Letter to the Romans”

In 1999 six scholars of various faith traditions committed to a collaborative reading of the Apostle Paul’s Letter to the Romans. For more than two years, they studied and met together to discuss the text. From those meeting emerged an on-line commentary and the series of mediations.

Dr. Fred B. Craddock
Dr. Perky Daniel
Dr. Justo Gonzalez
Dr. Dennis McCann
Dr. Joseph L. Roberts, Jr
Victor Yoon

Two 80 minute CD series consist of 30 Meditations on Romans

$29.95 per CD set

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